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⁣VARNA SYSTEM IS NOT EVIL This international anti-Hindu propa | Sanatana is Alive


This international anti-Hindu propaganda against the Varnashrama Dharma has been around for a long time: It shows the Varna system as an evil and injust system that discriminates and oppresses people. This is not the truth.

Varnas are an ancient Vedic system established to create a stable, functional and dharmic Arya society, where everyone has their own social role. All varnas are and should be respected, from Brahmins to Shudras, and each varna is important and fundamental for the sustenance of the society. Actually the Varna system is damaged so the society is in the throes of chaos, decay and degeneration as we can clearly see.

Unfortunately there have been and there are several discriminations inside of this system, especially against the lower positions, and this is a strong point for the anti-Hindu propaganda, which uses these casteist people to show how Hinduism is bad and evil. Let's not allow that.
