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⁣Dear Hindus, If you are a Brahmin; be proud that you are one | Sanatana is Alive

Dear Hindus,

If you are a Brahmin; be proud that you are one. Your ancestors preserved Vedic knowledge passing it through lineages. Perform pujas, attain knowledge, read and study Vedic scriptures and pass them down to the next generation, this is your duty.

If you are a Kshatriya; be proud that you are one. Your ancestors have fought and sacrificed themselves for Dharma, they were the reason we didn't fall. Protect our land and the most defenseless, learn weaponry and keep weapons for the protection of Dharma, this is your duty.

If you are a Vaishya; be proud that you are one. Your ancestors brought wealth and prosperity to our land; they were the reason Bharata was called "Golden Bird". Start your own business and bring wealth to the society, this is your duty.

If you are a Shudra; be proud that you are one. Your ancestors were farmers, ranchers, builders, artists, etc. They also have built magnificent temples and magnificent architecture. Without them the society could not have existed and they are the ones who deserve more respect. Make the work your passion and be proud of it, this is your duty.

Don't discriminate anyone on the basis of varnasrama and yet don't let anyone insult your varna; remember that it is by karma and by human qualities, not only by birth... Respect all varnas and be proud of the varna you belong to!

Jai Varna Aikyam!
