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ngiuriosi, o diffonda materiale scritto o stampato dal contenu | Cristianesimo quotidiano

ngiuriosi, o diffonda materiale scritto o stampato dal contenuto minaccioso, offensivo o ingiurioso, o comunque fomenti violenza o odio razziale o religioso contro un'altra persona o gruppo per motivi di genere, identità di genere, orientamento sessuale, razza, colore, lingua, origine etnica, religione o convinzioni personali o opinioni politiche o di altro tipo, o per cui tale violenza o odio razziale o religioso è probabile venga fomentato, tenendo conto di tutte le circostanze, è punito con la reclusione da sei a diciotto mesi». Inoltre, l'accusa di uso improprio di apparecchiature di comunicazione elettronica e potrebbe costargli anche una multa fino a 23mila euro.
Noi, invece, sosteniamo pubblicamente con convinzione Padre David Muscat contro il vergognoso attacco di cui è rimasto vittima. E, da credenti, continuiamo a pregare per lui.

Gianfranco Amato in the following article entitled "Malta, homophobic priest under indictment by State and Church" talks about Father Davide Muscat who is on trial for saying that homosexual practice is worse than diabolical possession.
Here is the full article published in La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana on 24 January 2022:
In order to understand what could happen to some priests in the hypothesis that a law against so-called "homophobia" - such as DDL Zan - would be introduced in Italy as well, it is enough to take a look at what happens around the peninsula. There is no need to go very far. It is enough to cross the sea and get to the island of Malta, where last year the amendment to the penal code was approved in the spirit desired by our Mr Zan and his followers. In Malta, in recent days, a triple attack has been unleashed against the Catholic priest Father Davide Muscat by ministers and MEPs of the socialist government of Robert Abela, the LGBT association 'Malta Gay Rights Movement', and the Maltese liberal-progressive Archbishop Monsignor Charles Scicluna.
The case stems from a crime story. On 1 January, a young 29-year-old Polish woman, identified as Paulina Dembska, was raped and murdered in a public garden in the city of Sliema. The investigators' enquiries led to the arrest of the alleged murderer, a Maltese man in his 20s, Abner George Aquilina, who was apprehended shortly after he had broken into a church during a mass. In fact, a few moments after Dembska's lifeless body was found, in the early hours of the morning, Aquilina stormed the parish church in Balluta, knocking over pews and the lectern, before being chased away by the faithful present and arrested by the police. Initial investigations suggest that the alleged murderer had a long history of drug addiction, prostitution with men, and sexual harassment of young women. There were even rumours and well-founded suspicions that the man was possessed by the devil, confirmed by the fact that he had a tattoo of the image of the devil on his chest and the number 666 on his leg, and by some of the statements he had made to the police, such as that he was at the service of and under the orders of the 'devil's frequencies'. Aquilina was, however, subjected to a psychiatric examination to ascertain his mental state.
The outrage over this murder in Malta immediately caused a stir on local social networks, so much so that even Father Davide Muscat, known for his positions faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, intervened in the case, responding to an LGBT activist. In a comment on Facebook, Father Muscat spoke of the possibility that murder suspect Abner Aquilina was gay, bisexual or possessed by the devil, and after reiterating the need to help him in a serious and professional manner, the priest said that practising homosexuality was worse than being possessed. This observation is, moreover, theologically correct, since the practice of homosexual acts is the result of a free will decision, while diabolic possession is an objective and involuntary condition.
Father Muscat's statements triggered a furious reaction from the socialist government, the gay movement and eve