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⁣Vedic & Itihasic Afghanistan How many of us know that Afghan | Sanatana is Alive

Vedic & Itihasic Afghanistan

How many of us know that Afghanistan was part of the Rigvedic and Itihasic horizon?

The great River Kubha (now Kabul) is mentioned in the Rig Veda and is part of the Sapta Sindhavah, the seven Rigvedic rivers.

Afghanistan is also mentioned in the epic poem Mahabharata, when it was known as the Kingdom of Gandhara, which also played an important role in the events that occurred in the poem.

Look what is Afghanistan now after Dharma wiped off from it! Afghanistani people abandoned Dharma and embraced the Adharmic religion that was spread from Arabia.

Now they are killing each other. This is the nature of Abrahamism: It will first kill all the other cultures in a region, once none of them is left, it turns against its own people. This is also how a biological virus infects a human cell and destroys the entire body eventually. No human being benefits from a religion like this.

Afghanistan stays today as a reminder of what will happen if we abandon Sanatana Dharma and allow the Adharmic religion that has destroyed Afghanistan to spread in our countries.
