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Abusers focus on the victim's reaction to abuse, not on the ab | Empowerment: protect yourself from narcissists, sociopaths and other toxic types

Abusers focus on the victim's reaction to abuse, not on the abuse itself. The victim may even end up apologising for his or her reaction, giving the abuser the chance to "forgive" them.

Misunderstandings can happen; however, a healthy person will acknowledge that they hurt you, will sincerely apologise, and will try not to hurt you again.

When you see a pattern of violence and an inability to feel compassion, it is time extricate yourself from the relationship. No explanation needed.

#ToxicRelationships #ReactiveAbuse #NarcissisticAbuse #Trauma #DomesticViolence #narcissisticabuseawareness #narcissisticabusesurvivor
#narcissism #selfcare