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Agli studenti: usate l'apposito form per chiedere al Consiglio | Comitato per la LEGALITÀ Europea

Agli studenti: usate l'apposito form per chiedere al Consiglio d'Europa di aprire una indagine sull'Italia con riferimento alla pressione esercitata dal governo sui giovani a vaccinarsi. Hanno già tutto il materiale scientifico a sostegno della richiesta perché gliel'ho mandato io.

The Italian government has issued a new decree law that provides for the obligation of the green pass for school staff and University students; in fact, this is a vaccination mandate because it is impracticable for a student or a teacher to undergo a nasal swab daily, both for the costs and for the dangers of the procedure. This means that thousands of students will not be able to attend University with the consequent existential damage. I urge you to open an investigation into Italy and the possibile relations between the current government and the pharmaceutical companies, as this insistence on vaccinating young people has no rational justification. In faith.