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U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani

Logo del canale telegramma unioneradioamatoriitaliani - U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani U
Logo del canale telegramma unioneradioamatoriitaliani - U.R.I. - Unione Radioamatori Italiani
Indirizzo del canale: @unioneradioamatoriitaliani
Categorie: Cataloghi
Lingua: Italiano
Abbonati: 140
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Canale della Unione Radioamatori Italiani. Se vuoi pubblicare qualcosa scrivi a oppure un messaggio Telegram a @iw7eeq. Tutte le collaborazioni sono benvenute 👍🏼.

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2021-08-09 02:01:52 DX-World
3Y0J – Bouvet Island 2022

Press Release from 3Y0J team DXpedition to Bouvet Island, November 2022   The 3Y0J team are delighted to inform about our continued effort to activate Bouvet island. After cancellation of the previous attempt due to the ill-fated sale of the vessel Braveheart we decided to continue the effort and search for a suitable and affordable […]
The post 3Y0J – Bouvet Island 2022 first appeared on DX-World.
3 views23:01
Aprire / Come
2021-08-09 02:01:48
3 views23:01
Aprire / Come
2021-08-09 02:01:46 DX-World
OH0KRF – Aland Island, EU-002

SP1EG, SP1F, SP1IVL, SP1VAX, SP1Z and SQ1WO will be active from Aland islands EU-002 as OH0KRF during August 23-29, 2021. QRV on 80-10m; CW, SSB, FT8/4, RTTY. QSL via SP1KRF.
The post OH0KRF – Aland Island, EU-002 first appeared on DX-World.
3 views23:01
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2021-08-09 02:01:46
3 views23:01
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2021-08-09 02:01:45 DX-World
5X3R – Uganda

Elvira, IV3FSG will be active from Uganda as 5X3R during August 13 to September 2, 2021. QRV on HF bands. QSL via IK2DUW, Club Log, HRDLOG.
The post 5X3R – Uganda first appeared on DX-World.
3 views23:01
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2021-08-09 02:01:45
3 views23:01
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2021-08-08 23:57:21 DX News Ham Radio Amateur Radio News
Video 4X100AI Love Island Achziv Islands. From

Video 4X100AI IOTA Expedition Love Island, Achziv Islands, IOTA AS - 100.
10 views20:57
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2021-08-08 23:57:21
10 views20:57
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2021-08-08 21:26:45
Se siete alla ricerca di una persona capace di realizzare le vostre grafiche per QSL potete rivilgervi a Giorgio IZ3KVD
23 viewsedited  18:26
Aprire / Come
2021-08-08 21:21:15 Abbiamo pensato che condividere questa pagine di un libro dedicato agli Ufficiali RT di Marina Mercantile potesse essere interessante anche per noi OM. Del Codice Q si usano solo le stesse abbreviazioni senza conoscerne il reale significato o magari in modo sbagliato. Un esempio di errore classico e' quando si dice : il mio QRZ e' XXXXX. Buona lettura!
23 views18:21
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