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Our Ideology: The Spiritual Mission of Russia According to th | The Guardians - CHANNEL♟

Our Ideology: The Spiritual Mission of Russia

According to the great Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov: "The idea of a nation is not what it thinks of itself in time, but what God thinks of it in eternity."

The supreme meaning of Russia's existence - its spiritual mission - is to be the global Katechon, keeping the world from evil. If Russia - the Third Rome ceases to bear this burden, the end of the world will come and, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, "the mystery of lawlessness" will be accomplished.

The purpose of Katechon is not to establish heaven on earth, but to ensure that there is no hell on earth.

The first Katechon in human history was the Roman Empire founded by Augustus, the adopted son and legal heir of Ceasar, and it was this Empire that was illuminated by the coming into the world of our Lord Jesus Christ. The spiritual mission of the first Katechon was assumed by the Second Rome, the Orthodox Empire of Constantinople/Tsargrad.

The successor and continuator of the mission of the Second Rome, as well as the holder of the title of Sovereign of the Third Rome, was the first Russian autocratic sovereign Ivan III, whose second wife Byzantine Princess Sophia Palaiologina, niece of the last Byzantine Emperor, became the mother of the future sovereign of all Russia, Vasily III and grandmother of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ('Terrible' to his enemies). It happened in 1453, after the fall of Constantinople to the Turks. The future Ivan the Terrible, was crowned in 1547 according to the rank of the Roman Emperors and was recognized as the true Tsar by the entire Ecumenical Orthodox Church. As heir to the Second Rome, Russia also assumed the spiritual mission of the Katechon, becoming the "restrainer" of evil from the world.

And for five and a half centuries Russia, which became the Third Rome, the Katechon, has been at the center of key events of global significance.

The Russian people's realization of their special spiritual mission - to be the guardian and protector of the Orthodox faith, as well as the creator of a special state - the Empire - Katechon - led to the birth of Russian messianism, as well as to the emergence in the Russian consciousness of the most important concept - Holy Rus.

Holy Russia is an unbreakable unity of heavenly and earthly Russia, a spiritual space in which live the sacred ideals and centuries-old memory of the Russian people, sanctified by the feat of Russian saints and heroes.

The perception of the ideas of the Third Rome and the Empire-Katechon, coupled with centuries of experience of imperial construction led to the sacralization by Russians of their own state, a special attitude to state power, primarily the Supreme, as well as to the perception of public service as a form of service to God and Holy Russia. In this regard, Nikolai Danilevsky wrote: "...Both in relation to the power and might of the state, in its ability to sacrifice to it all personal benefits, and in relation to the use of state and civil liberty - Russian people are gifted with a remarkable political sense."

It is ingrained in the Russian public consciousness that in defense of the Orthodox faith - Holy Russia - there must stand a powerful state.
