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tions of the world. Nick Hudson (South Africa) from PANDATA (P | NO "VACCINI" OGM

tions of the world.
Nick Hudson (
South Africa) from PANDATA (Panda), who I have known personally and who has worked very, very hard with his group (always been willing to challenge the dominant narrative) shared with us that we really have had false narratives dominating world discussion and press for these last three years. That false narratives included that these were deadly viruses, that there was no preexisting immunity, that this was a novel virus, that everyone was susceptible to this disease, that we had asymptomatic transmission, that the lockdown saved lives, that the mask mandates reduced transmission. Every one of these things was a lie, and yet they were repeatedly propagandized and distributed throughout the world in a harmonized fashion that I think has left all of us in awe.
If nothing else, we must give credit to those who have deployed this propaganda. I think it is one of the most amazing demonstrations of modern PSYOPs and propaganda, as was well demonstrated during the various presentations. Dr. Ciro Isidoro (Italy) demonstrated that this is not really a novel disease, it's an old disease, and emphasized that you can't find the cause of death if you do not do autopsies. You can't save COVID patients with paracetamol and watchful waiting. He also presented a lesson that was repeatedly emphasized throughout the conference: Spike is a toxin. This is something that I was roundly attacked for saying over two years ago, and I'm very reassured to see that this is now universally accepted, at least within our community.
Dr. Giovanni Meledandri (Italy) demonstrated and spoke about the evolution of coronavirus, which demonstrates a pattern of disease attenuation, and as many had predicted that what we have seen during this outbreak is absolutely the selection of vaccine resistant mutants. Although we have seen the rise in infectivity with the latest Arcturus variant, the infections are ocular. As has been the case with viral outbreaks throughout history, we've seen the increasing attenuation of the virus and its reduction in pathogenicity now to the point where we really just have something akin to a normal circulating respiratory virus, the likes of which we have seen throughout all of our lives as physicians and as general members of the patient population.
Dr. Stramezzi (Italy) emphasized the importance of early responses in Italy, and most importantly that it was known in June of 2020 that COVID was a treatable disease. Despite the various efforts from throughout the world, in particular the Italian authorities, to suppress that information and to encourage the narrative that this was a novel disease that was highly pathogenic, that required sophisticated novel treatments, Dr. Stramezzi gave us a great lesson in the ability of a well-trained physician to obtain and derive and demonstrate the ability to treat a respiratory virus with existing agents. This is a theme that has been echoed throughout this conference and throughout the world, starting with the original International COVID Summit, which pioneered bringing together physicians from all over the world to demonstrate in particular and discuss and share with each other best practices in early treatment.
And as I think that this whole series of International COVID summits, I just want to give a shout-out to the two organizers that always wish to remain anonymous, Lilly (Canada) and Rob (Italy), who are not medical professionals. They're brave, committed individuals who felt the call to duty and stood up at a time when everyone else was afraid and said, "We are going to get these conferences started and run and operated." They have encountered repeated obstacles throughout the history of the International COVID Summit and have overcome every single one. I can't tell you how many times we thought this particular conference was going to come to naught. And yet here we are, I think with one of the most successful ICS conferences to date.
Moving on, Dr. Luis Fouche (France) gave us a great essay on the effects of mandates, early treatment, and he particul